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My Health(ier) Holiday Menu

Some of my clients are concerned that they will completely fall off the wagon in terms of their healthy eating habits and diet over the holidays. While their fears are legitimate, there is no need to panic. I advise clients to pick 2 or 3 healthy habits to carry with them over the holidays. Maybe that's drinking 2.5L of water daily, moving your body daily and taking your vitamins.

I also recommend that they enjoy their favourite holiday meals and treats, which in my opinion can still be healthy. My favourite way to cook and eat is to take traditional recipes like stuffing and holiday baking and make it healthy, but still keep the flavour. Traditional holiday dishes like turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing are not my favourite. Below are the recipes you would find if you came to my house for Christmas dinner, no turkey and a lot of dessert (oh and a festive Cosmo with frozen cranberries and a sprig of rosemary of course;). Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

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